Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day 2009

We have had a wonderful Christmas. We took Rachel to look at the lights at Temple Square. We all had a lot of fun.

The next day we went to my sister Cammie's house, for our traditional fondue dinner, and Santa suprised us with a visit.

Ah, Christmas morning, Rachel was so excited

She got her very own kitchen, which she loves

Tape stuck on her foot

Good Morning Matt!

Rachel also got a pink giraffe, named pinkie. She has hardly let go of him all day.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Visiting with Santa

Rachel made a wish list and she wanted to take it to Santa personally. So, off to the mall we went.
this is how Rachel fell asleep in the car on the way home, I thought it was cute.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This was a couple of days after Rachel's birthday, but her official birthday party. She wanted a chocolate cake. (dis-spite how it looks, it was delicious, hee hee, baking cakes is not my strong point) Rachel had a very good day.
Rachel asked to paint using my easel, because she had never used one before. She drew and painted for hours that day.

Last Saturday, we got given tickets to go and see Disney Princesses on Ice. Rachel was very excited to say the least. It was so much fun to see her excited face. It was a good Saturday.
This picture is just so I can say this is my blog and I do appear on it occasionally.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

We took Rachel to a restaurant for her birthday day, day because I had to work that day and couldn't do what I'd planed for her birthday

This is Rachel and her friend Harley

Hello, Rachel is now 4 years old. She has had a wonderful birthday (and a party tonight so she is still very excited) and a wonderful Halloween. She told me while trick or treating last night that it was the best night ever. So here are some pictures, with more to follow soon of her party with cake. (She really eats up the attention)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's been a little while, but I'm still here

Recently we went to the zoo. We had a lot of fun. There is a play ground there and Rachel had a ton of fun. I thought it was rather stinky, it smelled like animals, and tuna near the benches. No one else seemed to mind the smell so I tried to ignore it too.

Here we went on a train ride, Rachel was excited, Matt too.
Apparently we are a roughly gorilla sized family. Hee hee
We got to see the baby tigers, they were very cute.
There was also a baby giraffe

Rachel liked looking at these eagles. The bald eagle kept screeching and Rachel thought that was neat. She started making the sounds too, I wish I had gotten that on tape.
This is one thing Rachel does when her Daddy is working from home.
Playing in the rain

Sunday, August 23, 2009

More from Canada

Have you all seen the large electricity generating windmills? We went and looked at some while we were up in Canada. Each one of the blades weighs seven tons! I took some pictures to show you all some perspective on just how large they are.
Here I am looking fabulous by the nacelle
And here I am again by one of the blades. HUGE. These machines are so interesting. We had tons of fun
Here is Rachel's first experience with Waterton wildlifeSquirrel!Rachel loved her walking stick, then her Daddy found one she liked better.

Here is Rachel, indulging in one of every child's favorite past time, throwing rocks