Friday, June 12, 2009

So, what's new?

Well, the past two weeks have been interesting. Above you will see the picture of our new car. A new car you say! But, why? Well, the transmission on Matt's truck died dead. We decided it was a better use of our money to put a down-payment on a car than spend several thousand on repairing the truck. So, that is the short version of the story. It is nice to have a new car that we aren't worried is going to break down any minute. I'm still having a heart attack about the whole thing, but I'm getting better.
Below you see Matt and Rachel playing Rock Band. They love it, and it makes Rachel's day if you play with her. She also can't believe it when we play without her.

1 comment:

Kelltie said...

love the new car! And you'll have to tell Rachel we are sorry we play rock band without her!