Sunday, August 23, 2009

More from Canada

Have you all seen the large electricity generating windmills? We went and looked at some while we were up in Canada. Each one of the blades weighs seven tons! I took some pictures to show you all some perspective on just how large they are.
Here I am looking fabulous by the nacelle
And here I am again by one of the blades. HUGE. These machines are so interesting. We had tons of fun
Here is Rachel's first experience with Waterton wildlifeSquirrel!Rachel loved her walking stick, then her Daddy found one she liked better.

Here is Rachel, indulging in one of every child's favorite past time, throwing rocks


Melanie said...

The windmills are amazing! The picture with the sunset(?) is really beautiful. Waterton is a great place on a nice day.

Jenny said...

Great pictures Brittney. So great that you guys got an opportunity to go to Waterton. Such a nice place!